Space Family Day
A FREE family day event for Dorset’s young people (including those questioning or gender non-conforming) and their families: parents/carers, siblings, & any other significant relatives.
At each Space Family Day we talk about a general topic, splitting into relative groups for conversation before coming back together to discuss the topic together after doing activities. Food is provided for the day and there is a general feedback session at the end of the day to answer any queries or provide any comments.
Previous Space Family Day themes and topics have included Accessing Trans+ Healthcare, The Responsibility of Educational Services and Identity Intersectionality.
We will advertise the next event on our social media pages beforehand and provide signup details, but we will never disclose the exact location of an event before booking and signup.
Please book you place at Space Family Day ensure your place by contacting us!
For more information and details about this group (including Signup details) please contact the office on 01202 205279 or email us at
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we occasionally have to cancel an event. Please check back on a regular basis. See the What's On calendar for any changes and for the most up to date information before leaving home.
What Families Say
"It was lovely to just chat about everything with people who 'get it.' Such a warm and lovely group. Thank you!"
"Very informative and great to disseminate all the tabloid rubbish. Keep up these get togethers."